Book Covers

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Indie Insider - E. W. Saloka

What is the best way to create tension?

We like to create subtle tension, a raised eyebrow, muscles in the jaw twitching and .realistic dialogue within the action scenes. By shortening the words and sentences you also increase tension, short sentences make the scene more suspenseful.

Do people judge a book by it’s cover? Who makes yours?

I believe you should be able to have an idea about the story by looking at the cover. The author has done his job well if his potential reader is already interested. Our son Ian did the cover for this book. His illustrative style and color pallet sets the tone in the readers’ “minds-eye”.

What are the best ways to ‘show’ and not ‘tell’?

By providing emotional language and descriptive details, you bring the story to life. Once you provide this the reader experiences, what the writer intended when envisioning the story. Engaging all the senses truly brings the reader into the author’s world and that connection is vital.

How many books do you produce a year? Are you meeting your goal?

This is our first book in the series, released August 2011. As we’re finishing the second book in the series, there are a few children’s books we want to publish in the next year. With our busy family and time, issues I would say were just about where we should be.

How many words do you produce a day? Do you have a daily quota to fill?

The creative process for us is something we cannot put a number to, we’re either writing or brainstorming, then we come together. It is probably more complicated this way as we have two different viewpoints. We have to blend our two styles and this takes time. The finished result can be surprising giving thus a fresh twist to our working process.

What is your greatest challenge as an author?

We are finding that the writer needs to be quite savvy in all things technical, also marketing has it’s challenges with the time and research required.

Do you use a professional editor, critique partners, or beta readers? Briefly describe your process.

W. is the proof reader , he easily takes on this job and critiques every word we write I have a beta reader for the next book in our series. It just seems like this would be good too, although I cannot imagine anyone being tougher than W. He’s brutal!

What is you favorite part of the whole process? (Besides receiving a check or 5 star review!)

We like putting our characters out there and giving them to the world, its fun and frightening at the same time. We hope readers will find a place for them in their hearts and that will bring it all full circle.

What are three web sites or blogs that you can recommend? (related to writing etc.)

Is there anything else you would like to share?

W. and I really enjoyed writing our first book. It was such a joy bringing our characters to life in our story. My husband is quite an accomplished sculptor and we have a great collectible line to accompany our book. It really brings you into living our kingdom. This is a little new for us but we have risen to the challenge of being indie authors by learning all that we can from the seasoned authors that have taken the plunge before us. I love their stories and their attitudes and I am inclined to believe that we just may have the stuff to make it through the long haul, thick skins and all that.

Every day brings something new for both of us. At this time instead of reading much fiction I have been reading writing blogs and belong to a few writing groups but it’s still a thrill to find a great book and immerse myself in that world for just a while.

Thanks for letting us visit, we appreciate the opportunity..!/silverleaf02

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